Bookstore Newsletter
For March, April & May 2009
Wren/ Chickadee Home ickadee home
Nest boxes – Now is the time to think about nest boxes for the birds. We have a good supply of bluebird/tree swallow boxes and wren/chickadee boxes. Most of the bluebird homes are assembled while the wren/chickadee ones are u build. Bluebirds should arrive in Alberta about the 3rd week of March and will commence nest building about the 3rd week of April.
Feeder Purple Martin Home
Bluebird /Tree swallow home
Farmer’s Market 2009 at Red Deer
Share stall #83 with the Kerry Wood Nature Centre
for the 2009 market on an alternating Saturday basis.
If interested call Bob at 403 346 2010.
New Books/Products
For adults:
1. Imagining Head-Smashed-In: Aboriginal Buffalo Hunting on the Northern Plains Jack W. Brink June 2008, For thousands of years the Aboriginal hunters on the North American Plains used their knowledge of the land and of buffalo behaviour to drive their quarry over cliffs.Read about the mass buffalo hunts and the culture they supported before and after European contact by archaeologist Jack Brink.
2. Climate Wars 2008 . A thought provoking and disturbing read by Gwynne Dyer
It gives a terrifying glimpse of the none-too-distant future, when climate change will force the world’s powers into a desperate struggle for advantage and even survival. Price for hc-
For Kids
A great Canada Series –price: $pb-$14.95
1 .Canada at war
2. The Kids Book of Canada
3. Canadian Exploration
4. Great Canadian Women
5. Aboriginal People
6. Canadian History
7. Prime Ministers
8 .Great Canadians
9 .The Far north
10. Canadian Geography.
For Kids/Adults
1.Windsong Action Strap-For secure and comfortable carry of binoculars and Cameras- Keeps the weight off your neck and is adjustable for size.$18.95
2.Bird Call- use this bird calling device to call the birds and have them respond-great price; $6.95
Time for Coffee/Tea
The KWNC Bookstore is proud to make available fair trade /shade grown coffee and teas from JUSTUS COFFEE ROASTERS COOP.
It is one of Canada’s most successful worker-owned businesses based on a firm belief in “people and the planet before profits”.
Fair Trade is an innovative model for international trade, which offers not only a fair price, but respect and empowerment for Third World producers.
All Just Us! products – coffee, tea, chocolate and sugar – are grown naturally, without chemicals, to enhance the well-being of farmers, their communities, the environment and wild-life. The bookstore carries a great selection of Just us coffee and teas.