Monday, February 14, 2011

Would you like to contribute to knowledge? I'm conducting research for my Masters thesis. I'm pursuing a Master of Arts in Environmental Education through Royal Roads University. The Nature Centre has agreed to assist by posting my request for assistance and link to an on-line survey. If the text below describes you, I would appreciate 15 - 20 minutes of your time to fill out the survey.

Many thanks to the Waskasoo Environmental Education Society for their assistance.




My name is Todd Nivens. The Waskasoo Environmental Education Society (WEES) agreed to post this request on my behalf. None of your personal information, including your name, has been forwarded to me and I have no way of collecting personal information from you.

I am a Masters of Arts (Environmental Education and Communications) student at Royal Roads University studying the relationship between peoples’ on-line environmentally-positive behaviours and their real-world environmentally-positive actions. I am investigating the effects the internet, particularly web 2.0 and social media outlets, have on a person’s environmental behaviours in the real world.

As a reader of the WEES blog, facebook groups and/or twitter feeds. you are potentially someone with views I am interested in. Particularly I am looking for people who read or write environmental blogs, belong to environmental-themed Facebook or MySpace groups, sign on-line petitions or take part in environmental email campaigns; or give to environmental charities, through on-line campaigns.

If you feel that I’ve described you in the previous paragraph I would invite you to participate in the study by clicking the link and taking the survey. Here is the survey link:

If you have any questions about this study your participation in it or anything that concerns you, please email me at or phone me at 403-505-1864. This study is under the direction of Dr. Jennifer Good, Associate Professor in the Social Sciences faculty at Brock University. You are free to email her at You can also link to the Royal Roads MAEEC program and to Dr. Good’s listing at Brock University.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Todd Nivens

MA(EECO) Candidate

Royal Roads University

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